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Encounter with Pierre Richard
Pierre Richard, in collaboration with David Dalichoux, mosaic artist, Meilleur Ouvrier de France, has launched a series of original cement mosaic tile paintings signed "Pierre Richard".
This collection, featuring the actor, is presented exclusively in his showroom in Pézenas. From his meeting with his friend, the artist Pierre Richard, was born a collection of mosaic tiles with a design inspired by the cinema entitled "Long-Métrage".
David Dalichoux has given a modern twist to cement tiles by choosing flashy colour pigments and original, more contemporary designs, including a very colourful version of Pierre Richard's caricature, in perfect keeping with the actor's personality.
Jacques CHIRAC - Président de la République française 1995 - 2007
Stéphane BERN - Animateur de radio et TV
Martin Lamotte - Acteur
Jacques CHIRAC - Président de la République française 1995 - 2007
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